Rotaready blog

Everything you need to know about the latest releases, updates and Rotaready news with a dash of industry insight from the people who empower your business!

National Living Wage: winners and losers

Whether you’re directly affected by the introduction of the National Living Wage or not, you’ll almost certainly have heard of it. It’s only been a legal requirement for a few weeks, but we’re already seeing a number of...

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Fairness at the heart of rostering

When it comes to managing rotas, ensuring that schedules are fair is really quite important. But doing so is tricky – yet another layer of complexity on top of an already difficult job. Luckily, Rotaready’s scheduling a...

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Black & blue Friday

You may love it, you may hate it. You may have bagged a bargain you didn’t even know you wanted. Either way, you can’t argue that since its full-scale introduction to the UK in 2013, Black Friday has marked the start of...

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Sunday: a day of rest?

Sunday trading has always been contentious. Since the Sunday Trading Act 1994, shops bigger than 280m2 (3,000ft2) – typically the size of a convenience store or independent shop – have been limited to 6 hours of trading...

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