Rotaready blog

Everything you need to know about the latest releases, updates and Rotaready news with a dash of industry insight from the people who empower your business!

Rights, regulation and risk

The Working Time Directive (WTD) is an EU regulation governing workers’ rights. Ok, not the most interesting start to a blog post, but bear with me. This stuff is important. Last month the European Court of Justice rule...

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Gears of a different kind

We always like a challenge here at Rotaready HQ, whether it’s further developing our awesome workforce management software, or having a go at something completely different. On Sept 12th I competed in Scotland Coast to...

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What next for zero hours contracts?

If you’re familiar with zero hours contracts, you’ll be well aware of the on-going controversy. The debate hit a crescendo in the run up to the general election, with all parties putting forward proposals for curbing th...

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Shift Swaps, now live!

I’m proud to announce the release of the most demanded feature we’ve ever had on the Rotaready development list: shift swaps! Now available to everyone. We spent time with some of our customers to understand how shift s...

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3, 2, 1… Lift off!

Welcome to Shift Up A Gear! (We hope you’re enjoying the wordplay as much as we are…) We’ll be posting here regularly with the latest news from Rotaready Towers. From feature announcements, to opinion on current affairs...

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