
Supercharging your in-store experience – tips for retailers

Supercharging your in-store experience – tips for retailers

The popularity of online shopping has grown significantly since the beginning of the pandemic, with 71% saying they now shop online more often. But more than half of UK consumers still prefer in-store shopping! With res...

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Selecting the right rota software for your business – 9 features to look out for

Selecting the right rota software for your business – 9 features to look out for

Choosing the right rota software can feel like a mammoth task. Particularly if you’re making the move from pen and paper and don’t know exactly what you should be looking for. Of course there’s the more obvious things l...

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7 ways hotels can deliver exceptional customer experience

7 ways hotels can deliver exceptional customer experience

Delivering great customer experience is essential for most businesses, but even more so for those working in the hospitality industry. Exceptional customer experience is something hotel guests have come to expect as sta...

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Budget friendly marketing tips for hospitality businesses

Budget friendly marketing tips for hospitality businesses

With hospitality businesses now open and customers keen to get back out and socialise with friends and family, competition is high. So, it’s arguably more important than ever to be promoting your pub, bar, restaurant or...

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How much notice are employees getting of their working hours – a complete analysis

How much notice are employees getting of their working hours – a complete analysis

The Living Wage Foundation recently published findings that stated 62% of workers, whose job involves variable or shift base work, receive less than a week’s notice of their work schedules. They reported 12% receive les...

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The benefits of integrated business solutions for hospitality

The benefits of integrated business solutions for hospitality

Every hospitality business is different, each with its own set of needs and requirements. Selecting the right solutions for each area of your business is one thing; but you also need to consider the importance of these...

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Getting your staff rota ready for reopening – 4 top tips for hospitality businesses

Getting your staff rota ready for reopening – 4 top tips for hospitality businesses

One year on from the first lockdown, and it’s less than two weeks until the world can begin to go back to normal. We have no doubt that preparing your hospitality business for this day has left you with a million and on...

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Easter in lockdown – ideas for hospitality businesses

Easter in lockdown – ideas for hospitality businesses

With Easter being two weeks before hospitality businesses are allowed to open in the UK, a second Easter in lockdown is on the cards. But this year is different to last. So many of you have adapted to the lockdown way o...

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Christmas in the year of COVID – a few ideas for hospitality businesses

Christmas in the year of COVID – a few ideas for hospitality businesses

It’s well known that Christmas is traditionally the busiest time of the year for pubs, bars and restaurants. But with December just two months away it’s looking more and more like Christmas 2020 is going to be very diff...

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