As 2022 comes to a close, we take a look back at what we’ve achieved this year. A big thank you to our team, partners and customers for helping to make it such a positive one 💙 On that note, here are some key moments from the past year.
1. Rotaready Messaging was launched 💬 Read all about it here. 2. We headed to Manchester to host a Tech on Toast brunch with our friends at Eploy. It was great to see so many new and familiar faces 🤗 In case you missed it, here’s a quick summary of the event. 3. We turned 7! 🎁 4. Our mobile app got some fantastic new updates, to name a few. 5. Two new integrations were launched, one with Zonal and the other with Staffbase. 6. Social events were back with a bang with numerous nights out, a weekend in East Sussex and of course our yearly BBQ, hosted by Jamie.
7. We introduced ‘Sign in with Rotaready’, so third party systems can allow your employees to sign-in securely with their Rotaready credentials. 8. We enhanced Rotaready’s leaver process, meaning you can now finalise a leaver’s holiday balance and optionally record a payment or a deduction for the employee’s final payslip. 9. We welcomed 5 new Rotaready team members👋. 10. …6 if you count CEO in training, baby Georgina 👶.
11. Custom metrics were introduced to Cost Control. 12. Employee self-onboarding was launched, meaning employees can now onboard themselves onto Rotaready 🎉 Read more here . 13. We maintained our average support response time of less than five minutes. 14. Jamie joined Eploy for a webinar on ‘Connecting applicant tracking and staff scheduling’. If you missed it, you can still watch the recording here. 15. …whilst Carl spoke to Chris from Tech on Toast about the story behind Rotaready. Again, you can still watch it here. 16. We became part of the Access family, read all about the integration here. 17. Sales extraordinaire Steve, celebrated his 5th year as part of the Rotaready team. Making him the longest standing employee, after Co-Founders Carl and Jamie. Naturally we celebrated with a trip to Pizza Pilgrims 🍕.
18. We exhibited at Restaurant & Bar Tech Live, alongside our new colleagues at Access.
19. Our clients achieved some fantastic ROI results – 688% for Brucan Pubs, 652% for Hickory’s Smokehouse, 764% for Itison…the list goes on. Find our customer stories and more insights here. 20. We managed to dodge train strikes and snow with an early Christmas party 💃🏻
From all of us at Rotaready, we’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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