How hospitality businesses can benefit from replacing manual processes with tech

Megan Lipscombe

Megan Lipscombe

Head of Marketing

As you’ll well know, running a hospitality business often means trying to juggle a million and one things at once. In this blog we look at some of the areas in which you could be using technology to help lighten your workload and make life easier for both you and your team.

Employee training

Training. A key part of employee onboarding, but something that is often time consuming and repetitive. However, with today’s onboarding and training solutions, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some of the benefits that come with investing in a learning and development platform…

  • One source of truth, eliminating outdated content 
  • Easy to track and manage training progress
  • Reusable content to eliminate repetitive training sessions
  • Easily accessible resources for employees
  • Boosted compliance through recording staff certification

Staff scheduling

Let’s go back to a time of manual scheduling. Employees gathered around that one piece of paper that tells them when they’re working next, shift swaps being made last minute, different versions causing chaos. Not to mention the person responsible for building the rota having to account for numerous factors, including employee contracted hours, availability, scheduled holiday and forecasted bookings/footfall. 

With staff scheduling software this should all be a thing of the past –  here are a few benefits that come with investing in intelligent rota software:

  • Real-time rota updates, so employees always have access to the most recent rota
  • Employee contracted hours and availability considered automatically
  • Templates and automatic rota building
  • Real-time visibility over costs and revenue
  • Demand forecasting to help you perfect your labour costs 

For more benefits, check out our recent blog on the time and cost saving benefits of investing in rota software. 

Internal communication 

How do you communicate with your team? Are company updates delivered in person? Do menu changes go back and forth via email? Employee communication is, and always has been essential for the successful running of any business. Yet so many still take an outdated approach. Here’s how investing in a communication could be a game changer for you and your business:

  • One source of truth for important updates and communications
  • Easy collaboration on updates that affect multiple sites e.g. menu changes 
  • Instantly get in touch with anyone across the business
  • Easy knowledge sharing between teams and sites


Payroll is where everything comes together, and where accuracy is paramount. The core elements of payroll haven’t changed in a long time, but modern solutions are offering a fantastic range of features to assist and automate with the processing of your pay runs and to benefit your teams.

  • API-driven integrations with your scheduling solution
  • Pay accurately every time
  • Share payslips digitally
  • Automatic pension enrolment
  • On demand access to earnings

Holiday management

How does your team request time off? And how do you keep track of how much holiday each employee has left?… A great big spreadsheet? Pen and paper? Holiday management software? The latter comes with a whole host of benefits. As with the other points in this blog, using tech can save you a lot of time, but it will also help you in plenty of other ways. Here a few benefits that come with using tech to help you with holiday management:

  • Instantly approve or reject time off 
  • Visibility over holiday allowances and sickness records
  • Automatic holiday accrual
  • Visibility of overlapping holiday within the team and notable events
  • Calculation of average hours using the statutory 52 week average

These are just a few of the ways in which technology can help you with the running of your hospitality business. Some of which Rotaready can help you with, to name a few… staff scheduling, holiday management and instant messaging. Others our integration partners can help you take care of. If you have any questions about exactly how Rotaready can help with any of the above just get in touch via live chat or email us at And for more information on who we integrate with, just click here.

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