Feature Deep Dive – Asset Registry

Megan Lipscombe

Megan Lipscombe

Head of Marketing

Keeping track of company assets can be a bit of a nightmare. How often do you last ask yourself ‘What happened to that mobile phone after x left the business?’ or ‘When did y last get their last laptop?’.  It’s a headache nobody wants, and with a little help from Rotaready’s Asset Registry, it’s one that can be avoided.

So what is the ‘Asset Registry’?

In a nutshell…

Rotaready’s Asset Registry enables you to keep track of any physical assets you may have assigned to your team; such as sets of keys, laptops or vehicles.

In a bit more detail…

Within the Asset Registry you can dictate the asset types available within your business. These assets can then be assigned to employees so you can keep track of all the physical items in your employees’ possession.

With this feature you can:

  • View the assets that are currently assigned to, or have been returned by employees
  • See when an asset was issued, and who by
  • Track returned items so, for example, if someone is to leave the business you can see when they returned the asset and who to
  • Record information on assets such as serial number or asset value
  • Add notes to an asset, such as a description or explanation as to why an asset may not have been returned
  • View a full audit history of changes to the asset – such as when a note was added or the is value changed

Within the Asset Registry you can see full list of assets and asset details, such as the current owner. And you can also view the assets assigned to a specific employee via their employee profile

Let us know what you want to hear about next…

That’s everything you need to know about Asset Registry, if you have any questions, then please do get in touch with our team via the live chat on our website! And if there’s anything you’d like to hear about next, then let us know at comms@rotaready.com; otherwise, keep an eye out for the next Feature Deep Dive… coming very soon.

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