60 seconds with… Essi Kuusela

Megan Lipscombe

Megan Lipscombe

Head of Marketing

Next up in our ’60 seconds with…’ series is the newest member of the Rotaready team, Essi! Originally from Lapland (cool, right?) Essi made the move to the UK in 2019, shortly before joining Rotaready as Customer Support Advisor just over 2 months ago.

Here’s a bit more about her, from what you’re most likely to find her doing at the weekend, to which role she’d take on if she wasn’t in the Customer Support team.

What did you do before working at Rotaready?

After growing up in Lapland, I had couple of gap years before moving to Southern Finland to get my bachelor’s degree in international business. During this time I had my fair share of experience in customer service, sales and events; alongside volunteering at a number of organisations.

2019 was the year I moved to London to start my graduate career – working in sales for a software company. However, I realised that sales wasn’t where I wanted to be, so had a rethink and landed a job with a hostel group. Here I mainly worked front of house, whilst also helping out with social media and events!

What do you like most about your job?

I love that I have the chance to get involved in many other things besides my main role – I’ve worked with tech and software companies in the past so I’m really enjoying getting to build demos, help out with the testing and dive deeper into the product itself.

As the newbie of the company, I love how welcoming everyone’s been, even though I started (and still am) working remotely. Also, our clients are great and I’m really enjoying the daily interactions through live chat and on the phone!

Where do you see yourself in 20 years time?

Honestly, I’d love to say that by then I will have lived in multiple countries and travelled everywhere. Based on that perhaps I’ll be living in New Zealand (a long dream of mine)?

Or maybe I will have started missing home enough to return to Finland, but who knows? Right now I’m very happy where I am!

If you weren’t working in the Customer Support team which role would you take on?

I’d probably try my luck in marketing! I’ve always enjoyed social media marketing and would be great to learn more about other areas.

What are you most likely to be found doing at the weekend?

If I’m not home cuddling my cats and watching Netflix with my partner, I’m definitely sitting in a pub or having a ‘drinkies and games night’ (as we like to call them) with my friends. We all love board games and definitely own too many, so it’d be rude not to make the most out of them!

If you could have one super power what would it be?

I’d definitely want to be able to teleport – I love travelling but absolutely hate flying! And how cool would it be to just go anywhere in a matter of seconds? You’d find me nerding my heart out at Universal Studios or Disney World in a heartbeat!

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